Our Beliefs


We believe there is one God and beside Him there is no other. In unity and equality, God eternally exists in three Persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.


We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s inspired and written word. We believe the holy Scriptures are infallible, sufficient, and without error as originally given. We believe the Scriptures are the ultimate and final authority to guide all matters of life and doctrine.


God made man and woman in His image. Because humanity is created in God’s image, every single image bearer possesses intrinsic dignity and worth. Humanity was created to bring God glory and to enjoy fellowship with God.


Because of mankind’s original sin in the garden, all humans born of Adam are corrupted by sin. Additionally, all have willfully disobeyed and rebelled against God. Sin has fractured our relationship with: God, ourselves, and others. Sin has also fractured every single part of creation. Humanity lives under the dominion of sin and Satan and thus stands in desperate need of a Savior.


The gospel is the good news centered on the person of Jesus. Jesus was not born of Adam, and thus did not inherit our sin nature. He eternally existed at the right hand of God The Father, but chose to take on flesh and enter the world that he created. Born of a virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit, Jesus walked in perfect unity with The Heavenly Father and lived a fully sinless life. Nevertheless, in fulfillment of Scripture, he died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice, to satisfy God’s holy wrath on behalf of sinners. Three days later he rose from the dead, offering salvation to all those who receive Him through faith and repentance. Therefore, we want all that takes place in our hearts and lives to proceed from and return glory to Jesus.


We believe salvation is a gift from God made available by His grace alone and to be received through faith in Christ alone. Simply put: JESUS SAVES SINNERS.


The church is not an institution or denomination, rather it is it a body comprised of followers of Jesus Christ. The church exists to worship God and bring him glory through preaching the gospel, making disciples, and celebrating the sacraments.


We believe a future is coming where God will make all things new. The future things include the glorious return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgement, the culmination of Christ’s kingdom in the new heavens and the new earth, and His rule and reign forever.

Theological Distinctives


Ministry of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the active and present ministry of the Holy Spirit, including the Gifts (1 Cor. 12-14), the fruit (Gal. 5), and the baptism with the Holy Spirit, for the the building up of the believer, and for his or her witness unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


We believe that God is fully sovereign, meaning that there are no limits to His rule over the whole world and everything that happens in it.

The Sacraments

We believe that God has given the church Holy Sacraments as timeless gifts for the ongoing formation of the believer. Regular celebration of Water baptism and Holy Communion is necessary for our growth and spiritual maturity.


We value diversity (ethnic, cultural, generational), knowing that diversity displays the unifying work of Jesus in the life of the believer. Diversity also empowers us to better understand and engage culture and people across the city and around the world.

We also affirm the following historic creeds of the Christian faith:

  • The Apostle’s Creed

  • The Athanasian Creed

  • The Nicene Creed

Our Affiliation

The Springs Church is a part of the Every Nation family of churches and ministries. Every Nation is a worldwide family of churches and ministries that exists to Honor God and Make Disciples by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.


If you have any doctrinal questions, you are more than welcome to contact us and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner.